percorso di navigazione SirciFreccettaSustainability




Projects which allowed to reduce considerably the impact which its normal productive activity has on the environment.

  • Use of renewable energy sources: the first in its sector to use renewable energy sources. In 2007 Sirci inaugurated one of the biggest feed-in tariff photovoltaic systems in Italy. The system is composed of 1180 modular panels distributed in 115 lines which make up the photovoltaic field, situated on the production departments’ prefabricated roof, for a total surface of 3500 square meters. The system guarantees an electric power of 200 kW and it does not have any impact on the surrounding environment as it is not situated in an area of special planning control.
  • Reduction in the use of raw materials. Several technological innovations were acquired and implemented in order to improve the control of used materials flows, reduce dissipations and rejects and increase the productivity.
  • Use of recycled raw materials. Complete recycling of rejects and plastic swarfs. Recovery of plastic waste, when allowed by production technologies, reusing raw materials obtained from the reprocessing of plastic rejects from other industrial sectors.
  • Management of dangerous substances. Potentially dangerous or polluting materials are used only when strictly necessary, observing all proper precautions during storage, transport and handling.
  • Selective waste collection. A selective waste collection programme was launched in collaboration with the Municipality of Gubbio.